10 Dell PowerVault 720N, 740N, and 760N System Administrator and Command Reference Guide
replicating a volume, 16-1
requests, replies to, 4-14
require group directive, 8-3
require user directive, 8-3
resolving host names, 4-8
restarting a filer, 18-3
restore, 13-5
restore command
data that cannot be restored, 13-2
examples, 13-7
function keys, 13-3
how it differs from ufsrestore, 13-5
incremental, 13-5
options, 13-3
purposes of, 13-1
space required, 13-5
syntax, 13-2
when not to use, 13-2
where to enter, 13-5
Windows NT ACLs, 13-4
restore_symboltable file, removing, 13-7
reverting a volume, 3-21
role of parity disks, 3-2
root volume, 3-6
option, 19-17
route command, 4-12
routed command, 4-13
routed daemon
/etc/dgateways file, 4-13
purpose of, 4-12
default, 4-12
problems with, 18-13
Routing Information Protocol (RIP), 4-12
routing table, filer, 4-12
rsh.enable option, 19-19
SCSI ID, identifying disks, 3-2
second-level virtual interfaces
creating, 4-25
serial ports, filer main unit, 1-5
creating and changing, 7-12
deleting, 7-17
displaying, 7-10
displaying information about, 7-15
renaming volume, effect on, 7-1
single-mode trunk
creating, 4-23
single-mode trunks, 4-19
preferred links, 4-23
slots, filer main unit, 1-5
snap command, 9-4
checking status, 16-14
converting a mirror to a regular
volume, 16-15
disabling data replication for entire
filer, 16-12
disabling data replication for one
volume, 16-13
how it works, 16-2
overview, 16-1
procedure for mirroring a volume, 16-9
purposes of, 16-1
resuming, 16-13
when used with quotas, 16-6, 16-16
when used with the dump command,
snapmirror.allow file format, 16-7
snapmirror.conf file format, 16-8
snapmirrored option, 19-17
effects of reverting a root volume, 3-24
effects on backup and recovery, 3-24
effects on snapshots, 3-22