A-160 Dell PowerVault 720N, 740N, and 760N System Administrator and Command Reference Guide
autosupport - email notification daemon
Data ONTAP 5.3 is capable of sending email notification to other designated
addressees in certain situations. The email contains useful information to help
them solve or recognize problems quickly and proactively. The system can also
be configured to send a short alert notification containing only the reason for the
alert to a separate list of recipients. This email is sent only for critical events that
might require some corrective action and can be useful for Administrators with
alphanumeric pagers that can accept short email messages.
The autosupport mechanism contacts a server system that is listening on the
SMTP port (25) to send email. A list of up to 5 mailhosts can be specified and
they will be tried in order to send mail out. It sends mail to up to 5 recipient email
addresses. The information it sends is described below.
The autosupport mechanism is triggered automatically once a week by the kernel
to send information before backing up the messages file. It can also be invoked
to send the information through the options command. Autosupport mail will
also be sent on events that require corrective action from the system administra-
tor. And finally, the autosupport mechanism will send notification upon system
reboot from disk.
The subject line of the mail sent by the autosupport mechanism contains a text
string to identify the reason for the notification. The messages and other informa-
tion in the notification should be used to check on the problem being reported.
The following are the cases where mail is sent automatically by the system and
the subject line text that identifies the reason for the notification. The events that
trigger the short note emails (if a recipient list is configured) are noted below and
will contain the subject line reason text string and the time of failure in the email
1. Weekly notification is marked WEEKLY_LOG
2. Data disk failure notification is marked DISK_FAIL!!!. This event also sends
the short note mail.
3. Spare disk failure notification is marked SPARE_FAIL!!!. This event also
sends the short note mail.
4. Disk scrubbing fixing disk errors is marked DISK_SCRUB!!!.
5. Failure of a fan in the system is notified with FAN_FAIL!!!. This event also
sends the short note mail.
6. Low NVRAM battery triggers notification with BATTERY_LOW!!!. This
event also sends the short note mail.