
Setting Description
Time change. The supported range for this setting is 15–3600 seconds.
Default: 120 seconds
Minimum Scan
Minimum number of times a channel must be scanned before it is considered for assignment. The
supported range for this setting is 0–2,147,483,647 scans. Dell recommends a Minimum Scan Time
between 1–20 scans.
Default: 8 scans
Load Aware
Scan Threshold
Load aware ARM preserves network resources during periods of high traffic by temporarily halting ARM
scanning if the load for the AP gets too high.
The Load Aware Scan Threshold is the traffic throughput level an AP must reach before it stops scanning.
The supported range for this setting is 0–20,000,000 bytes/second. (Specify 0 to disable this feature.)
Default: 1250000 Bps
Mode Aware
If enabled, ARM will turn APs into Air Monitors (AMs) if it detects higher coverage levels than necessary.
This helps avoid higher levels of interference on the WLAN. Although this setting is disabled by default,
you may want to enable this feature if your APs are deployed in close proximity (e.g. less than 60 feet
Mode aware ARM turns Air Monitors back into APs when they detect gaps in coverage. Note that an Air
Monitor will not turn back into an AP if it detects client traffic (or client traffic increases), but will change
to an AP only if it detects coverage holes.
Default: disabled
Scan Mode By default, 802.11n-capable APs scan channels within all regulatory domains. To limit the AP scans to just
the regulatory domain for that AP, click the Scan Mode drop-down list and select reg-domain.
NOTE: This setting does not apply to APs that do not support 802.11n; these APs will scan their regulatory
domain only.
In the CLI
You must be in config mode to create, modify or delete an ARM profile using the CLI. Specify an existing ARM
profile with the <profile-name> parameter to modify an existing ARM profile, or enter a new name to create an
entirely new profile.
Configuration details and any default values for each of these parameters are described in Table 97. If you do not
specify a parameter for a new profile, that profile uses the default value for that parameter. Put the no option before
any parameter to remove the current value for that parameter and return it to its default setting. Enter exit to leave
the ARM profile mode.
Use the following command to create or modify an ARM profile:
(host)(config) #rf arm-profile <profile>
40MHz-allowed-bands {All|None|a-only|g-only}
acceptable-coverage-index <number>
active-scan (not intended for use)
assignment {disable|maintain|multi-band|single-band}
backoff-time <seconds>
clone <profile>
error-rate-threshold <percent>
error-rate-wait-time <seconds>
free-channel-index <number>
ideal-coverage-index <number>
load-aware-scan-threshold <Mbps>
max-tx-power <dBm>
min-scan-time <# of scans>
min-tx-power <dBm>
DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide AdaptiveRadioManagement (ARM) | 354