For mapping Legacy snapshot and any virtual disk:
set (virtualDisk ["virtualDiskName"] | virtualDisk <wwID> | accessVirtualDisk)
(host="hostName" |
hostGroup=("hostGroupName" | defaultGroup)
Parameter Description
The name of the specific virtual disk for which you
want to define mapping. Enclose the virtual disk
name in double quotation marks (" ") inside of
square brackets ([ ]).
The World Wide Identifier (WWID) of the virtual disk
for which you are setting properties. You can use
the WWID instead of the virtual disk name to
identify the virtual disk. Enclose the WWID in angle
brackets (< >).
The logical unit number for the virtual disk. The
logical unit number is the only property that you
can set for the virtual disk.
The logical unit number that you want to use to
map to a specific host. This parameter also assigns
the host to a host group.
The name of the host to which the virtual disk is
mapped. Enclose the host name in double
quotation marks (" ").
The name of the host group to which the virtual
disk is mapped. Enclose the host group name in
double quotation marks (" "). defaultGroup is the
host group that contains the host to which the
virtual disk is mapped.
A host group is an optional topological element that you can define if you want to designate a collection
of hosts that share access to the same virtual disks. The host group is a logical entity. Define a host group
only if you have two or more hosts that can share access to the same virtual disks.
You can use any combination of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores for the names.
Names can have a maximum of 30 characters.
The access virtual disk is the virtual disk in a SAN environment that is used for in-band communication
between the storage management software and the storage array RAID controller module. This virtual
disk uses a LUN address and consumes 20 MB of storage space that is not available for application data
storage. An access virtual disk is required only for in-band managed storage arrays. If you specify the
accessVirtualDisk parameter, the only property you can set is the logicalUnitNumber parameter.