• The tcpListeningPort option is 3260.
Set Read-Only Snapshot Virtual Disk To A Read/Write
Virtual Disk
This command changes a snapshot virtual disk that is a read-only virtual disk to a snapshot virtual disk
that is read/write virtual disk. You can also use this command to define the repository for the read/write
virtual disk.
set snapVirtualDisk ["snapImageVirtualDiskName"] convertReadOnlyToReadWrite
(repositoryVirtualDisk="repos_xxxx" | repositoryFullLimit=percentValue)
Parameter Description
snapVirtual Disk
The name of the snapshot virtual disk that you
want to change from read-only to read/write.
Enclose the snapshot virtual disk identifier in
double quotation marks (" ") inside of square
brackets ([ ]).
The name of the repository virtual disk has the
snapshot image. All repository identifiers have this
form: repos_xxxx where xxxx represents a four
digit numerical value. Enclose the snapshot virtual
disk name in double quotation marks (" ").
The percentage of repository virtual disk capacity
at which you receive a warning that the snapshot
image repository virtual disk is nearing full. Use
integer values. For example, a value of 70 means
70 percent. The default value is 75.
The repository virtual disk name is automatically created by the MD storage management software and
the firmware when you create a new snapshot group. You cannot rename the repository virtual disk
because renaming the repository virtual disk will break the linkage with the snapshot images.
Set Remote Replication
NOTE: This command is valid only with Fibre Channel storage arrays.
This command defines the properties for a remote replication pair.