3. Click Export Settings to save the Dell Command | Update settings on the system in XML format. You
can then use this XML file to export the settings to another system.
4. Click Import Settings to import the Dell Command | Update settings from a previously exported
settings XML file.
5. Click Ok to save changes or click Cancel to revert to the last saved settings and return to the
Welcome screen.
Policy File
A policy file enables an administrator to lock program settings so that other users cannot change it.
When the program settings are specified in a policy file, the associated settings are disabled on the GUI.
Creating A Policy File
Perform the following steps to create a policy file:
1. Configure Dell Command | Update settings such as schedule, proxy, and filters on a sample system
and then export the settings by using Export Settings. For more information on exporting settings,
see Import/Export Settings.
You can later import these settings as a policy.xml file on a client system you want to configure.
2. Rename the exported setting file to policy.xml.
3. Open the policy.xml file and review it to ensure that only the attributes you want to lock are included
in it.
You may find it necessary to remove some settings from the exported policy.xml file if more settings
are being locked than required. Ensure that the file is placed in the installation directory for Dell
Command | Update to use it.
4. NOTE: Save the policy.xml file in a different location before you use it as Dell Command |
Update loads the policy data and deletes the policy file. You can use the saved policy file for
modifying the policy settings.
NOTE: It is mandatory to name the file policy.xml and place it into the installation directory for
Dell Command | Update to recognize it as a policy file to be imported.
Place the policy.xml file in the Dell Command | Update installation directory and launch the
Sample Policy.xml File Data
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<dellcommandupdate version="1.0" doctype="settings">
<setting name="filtercriticality_urgent">True</setting>
<setting name="scheduledexecution">On</setting>
<setting name="scheduleddays">1</setting>
<setting name="scheduledminute">0</setting>
<setting name="filterapplicable">ShowAllForPlatform</setting>
<setting name="scheduledhour">12</setting>
<setting name="scheduledfrequency">Monthly</setting>
<setting name="automationmode">ScanNotify</setting>