For example, if you want Dell Command | Update to check for updates after 10:00 AM on the first
day of every month, select Monthly under Check For Updates, select 10:00 AM under Select the
time, and select 1 under Select the day.
4. Under When updates are found, select one of the following tasks that Dell Command | Update must
perform when it finds updates:
• Notify Only (When updates are available)
• Download Updates (Notify when ready to install)
• Download And Install Updates (Notify after complete)
5. If you select Download and install updates (Notify after complete), select the time interval after
which you want the system to restart automatically.
6. Click Ok to save changes, or click Cancel to revert to the last saved settings and return to the
Welcome screen.
After you schedule the check for updates activity and if updates are available, the list of updates is
displayed in the Ready for install screen.
NOTE: You must exit Dell Command | Update for the scheduled task to run.
Configuring Update Filter Settings
In the Update Filter tab, you can configure the filters for downloading and displaying available updates.
Perform the following steps to configure the update filter settings:
1. On the heading banner, click Settings.
2. On the Settings screen, click Update Filter.
3. NOTE: All updates downloaded using the All Updates For System Model option may not be
applicable to your system.
Under What To Download, select one of the following options:
• Updates For This System Configuration (Recommended) — Select this option to download
updates specific to the system's configuration.
• All Updates For System Model — Select this option to download updates for all devices
supported by the system model.
4. Under Customize Updates, select the update recommendation level, type of update, and its device
5. Click Ok to save changes or click Cancel to revert to the last saved settings and return to the
Welcome screen.
Importing Or Exporting Settings
The Import/Export tab allows you to save the configuration settings in the form of an XML file. By using
an XML file, you can transfer the settings to another system and also import settings from another system.
Using these XML files you can create common configuration settings for all the installed instances of Dell
Command | Update in the organization.
Perform the following steps to import or export the configuration settings:
1. On the heading banner, click Settings.
2. On the Settings screen, click Import/Export.