06656 47
Code 2 of 5 – Standard
Scan Option PF to disable Standard Code 2 of 5.
PF Disable Standard Code 2 of 5 *#@
Scan Option PG to enable Standard Code 2 of 5.
PG Enable Standard 2 of 5
The minimum length of Standard 2 of 5 messages is set by scanning
Option PH, followed by scanning two digits (01-32) from the Digit
Selection page.
The maximum length is set by scanning Option PI, followed by scan-
ning two digits (01-32) from the Digit Selection page. If the minimum
and maximum values are set equal, only codes of that exact length are
read. The minimum and maximum lengths must be even numbers.
PI Maximum Length S 2 of 5
The following are only valid if CHK CHAR is enabled.
PO Disable I 2/5 check character
PP Enable I 2/5 check character
Minimum Length S 2 of 5 (specified
by two digits 01-32)