42 User’s / Programming Guide
Scan Option RA to disable EAN/JAN (8 or 13 digit).
Option RB or RC enables both EAN 8 digit and EAN 13 digit. If
EAN/JAN is enabled, any EAN/JAN label, with or without supple
ment, is read. The supplement is read if Option RB is selected and is
ignored if Option RC is selected.
Transmission of the first character in an EAN/JAN symbol (the num-
ber system character) is disabled by scanning Option RD, or is
enabled by scanning Option RE.
RA Disable EAN/JAN (8 or 13 Digit) #@
Enable EAN/JAN with 2 or 5 Digit
Supplement enabled
Enable EAN/JAN with 2 or 5 Digit
*Supplement disabled
Disable Transmission of Number
System Digit
Enable Transmission of Number
System Digit *#@