It isa known fact that electric tools are subject toaccelerated wear and possible
premature failure when theyare used towork on fiber glass boats and sports cars,
wallboard, spackling compounds or plaster.The chips and grlndingsfrom these
materials are highly abrasive toetectrica!tool parts, such as bearings, brushes,
commutators,etc_Consequently,it is notrecommended that this tool be usedfor
extended work on any fiber glass material, wallboard, spackling compound, or plaster,.
Duringany use onthese materials, it isextremely important that the tool is cleaned
frequently by blowingwith an airjeL
/_ WARNING: ALWAYS wear safetygogglesor safety glasseswithside shields
orface shieldwhen blowing dustfrom tool when cleaning iLIfoperation isdusty, also
wear a dust mask.
Al! of the beadngs in thistoolare lubricated witha sufficientamount of high-grade
lubricant for the life of the tool under normal operating conditions,.Therefore, no
further lubrication is required..
Double insulation isa concept in safety inelectric power tools, which eliminates the
need for the standard 3-wire grounded power cord.All exposed metal parts are
isolated from the internal motor components with protectve insulation. Double
insulated tools do not need to be grounded_
The servicing of a toolwith double insulation requires extreme care and knowledge
of the system and should be performed only bya qualified service technician. For
service, we recommend that you return the tool to your nearest Sears Service Center
for repair. ALWAYS use original factory replacement parts when servicing..
The use of any extension cord will cause some loss of power.To keep the loss at a
minimum and to prevent overheating, use an extension cord that is heavy enough to
carry the current that the toolwill draw,
A wire gauge (AWG) of at least t6 isrecommended for an extension cord t00 feet or
_essin length. When working outdoorsALWAYS use an extension cord that is
suitable for outdoor use, The cord'sjacket will be marked WA.
! _ CAUTION: Keep extension cords away from the cuttingarea, and position I
I the cord so it will not get caught on lumber, tools,etcoduring the cutting operation I
i iiil_U,,ll
_ DANGER: Check extension cords before each use, If damaged, replace
it immediately NEVER use a tool with a damaged cord because touching the
damaged area could cause electrical shock, resulting in serious injury.
Extension cords that are suitable for use with your saw are available at your nearest
Sears Store.
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