NOTE: The {irespan of the blades on your Twin Cutter saw and the quality of the
cuttingedges Is dependent on keeping vibrations to a minimum_
ALWAYS securely clamp the workpiece
BEFORE beginning a cu! Then feed the
blade through the material at an angle
of approximately 30 ° (see Fig. 8).
This saw produces hot chips, not
sparks, when cutting metal,
tt is recommended that you wear a
face shield over safety glasses to
protect your faces
Feed speed is how quickly you push the saw blades throughthe matedal being cut.
The correct feed speed is totally determined bythe hardness and the thickness of
the material being cut..
IMPORTANT: Feeding mustALWAYS be done with the blades perpendicular to the
plane of the workpiece (See Fig_A)oFeeding at an angle can burn the blade and
damage the blade teeth (See Fig°B)_
Selecting the correct feed speed is important,
If the feed speed is too slow:
1_The blades will onty press down on the matedal rather than cutting ito
2, The blade edges glide and wear down the material,
3. A poor'cut wilt result and cause excessive wear on the blades
If the feed speed is too fast:
1_There isa definite risk that the cut might spiltand the splintered opening of the cut
wilt notbe sufficient to divert the wood shavings,
2, A poorcut wilt result with a significant discharge of wood shavings on the lower
side of the cut,
_,_ Correct
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