
Page 7
Use the “marker to peak” button to move the diamond marker
to the current highest dBm valued point. Use the “marker to
center” button to move the diamond marker to the center of
the currently displayed section.
There are also buttons for moving the diamond peak mark to
the left or right in the currently displayed screen.
Each spectrum screen displays information regarding the cen-
ter frequency of the screen as well as the span in MHz. The
current marker position and value is also displayed.
Best Server List
The best server point list screen provides the user with a list of
top frequencies from a particular band as seen by the receiver.
The user is prompted to choose which band is to be used for
the search.
Then, after pressing OK to the particular band, the hardware
will search through all channels on that band. After completing
a sweep of all channels, the top 10 channels will be shown.
The frequency, channel number, and RSSI will be shown for
each entry. The list is updated after every sweep.
Real-Time Clock and Markers
It is noted that the blue bar on some screens show the iPAQ
date and time as provided by the operating system. This date
and time is used for marking logged records with a reference
point in time.
There is also a marker number. When the INC button is
pressed on this bar, the marker number will increment. This
is also used in log files for a reference point to interesting data
collection anomalies.
Data Recording
When the “record” button icon is pressed from the toolbar at
the bottom of the screen, the user will be prompted for a file-
name. This filename will be used to store collected data for
later conversion by Chameleon CW.