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Startup Screen
The Wolf software can be started by:
1. Pressing the Start button on the Ipaq.
2. Pressing the “BVS Wolf” program option from the main
drop-down list.
3. Tapping anywhere on the screen when the splash
screen appears as shown below.
Frequency Steps
After you tap on the startup screen, you will see this frequency
step menu screen. You must choose your frequency kHz steps
in either 30kHz, 50kHz or 200kHz increments. Choose your
frequency steps to proceed to the main menu.
Main Menu
The main menu of the Wolf software contains option buttons
in the main viewing area and a series of toolbar options. The
main viewing area is shown below. There are four choices in
the main viewing area. You may choose single channel analy-
sis, which allows selection of a single channel on either or
both bands. There is the channel table selection, which allows
up to 30 channels to be selected for analysis. These channels
can be in either band. There is the spectrum analyzer-type
screen which will show all RF being received within the range
of the receiver, the range being decided upon by the user.
The final option is the best server screen. This option shows
the frequencies with the strongest received signal strength in
a particular band.