board to verify they are
evenly spaced and that
they are not bent or
Computer is beeping Battery charge is low. Immediately save any open
and battery light file(s). Then do any one
is blinking. of the following:
o Connect the computer to
an external power
source to charge the
battery pack.
o Initiate Standby and
replace the battery
pack with a fully
charged battery pack.
o Turn the computer off
or initiate Hibernation
until you can find
another power source or
charge the battery
Computer battery Low battery beeps Run Computer Setup to
light blinks to were turned off. turn on the low battery
indicate low battery warning beeps.
condition, but
computer does not
Volume is turned off or Press Fn+F5 to turn the
turned down too low. speaker on and then
adjust the volume.
Problem Probable Cause Solution(s)
Battery light Battery pack is already No action is necessary.
doesn't light and charged.
battery pack won't
fast charge.
Battery pack was exposed Allow time for the
to temperature extremes. battery pack to return to
room temperature.
Battery pack is at end Replace battery pack.
of its life.
While the computer The battery pack was not Next time, initiate
is in Standby replaced within 10 Standby, then remove the
(Suspend), computer minutes. The battery battery pack and replace
turns off pack must be replaced it within 10 minutes.
within 10 minutes to
prevent loss of
Auxiliary battery charge Provide power (AC or