2425 - xx ECG/VGC monochrome
graphics mode test
2431 - xx 640 x 480 graphics
test failure
2432 - xx 320 x 200 graphics
(256 color mode)
test failure
2448 - xx Advanced VGA
Controller test
2451 - xx 132-column Advanced
VGA test failed
2456 - xx Advanced VGA 256
Color test failed
2458 - xx Advanced VGA BitBLT Replace the system board and retest.
2468 - xx Advanced VGA DAC
2477 - xx Advanced VGA data
path test
2478 - xx Advanced VGA BitBLT
2480 - xx Advanced VGA
Linedraw test
Table 2-12. Audio Test Error Codes
Error Code Description Recommended Action
3206 - xx Audio System Replace the system board and retest.
Internal Error
Table 2-13. Pointing Device Interface Test Error Codes
Error Code Description Recommended Action
8601 - xx Mouse test failed The following steps apply to 8601 - xx
and 8602 - xx:
8602 - xx Interface test
failed 1. Replace the EasyPoint II controller
board and retest.
2. Replace the system board and retest.
Table 2-14. CD-ROM Test Error Codes