4-38 Diagnostic Tools
Remote ROM Flash
Remote ROM Flash allows the system administrator to safely upgrade the ROM on remote
Compaq workstations, directly from the centralized network management console. Enabling the
system administrator to perform this task remotely, on multiple workstations, results in a
consistent deployment of and greater control over workstation ROM images over the network. It
also results in greater productivity and lowers total cost of ownership.
Compaq created the Remote ROM Flash capability to be secure and fail-safe. All workstation
ROMPaq ROM images from Compaq are digitally signed to ensure authenticity and minimize
potential corruption. The ROM firmware includes a Boot Block that is protected during the flash
process and allows the workstation to be restarted, in the unlikely event of an unsuccessful ROM
Remote ROM Flash is performed in two stages:
1. The system administrator uses the Remote Management Setup software on a centralized
management console to prepare the workstation ROMPaq file.
2. The system administrator uses a PC LAN management product, such as Microsoft SMS,
Intel LANDesk Manager, or Symantec Norton Administrator for Networks, to distribute
and execute the file over the network to remote workstations.
NOTE: The workstation must be powered on, or turned on through Remote Wakeup, to take
advantage of Remote ROM Flash. Use of Remote ROM Flash also requires an established Setup
For more information on enabling Remote ROM Flash, refer to the online Remote Management
Administrators Guide. The Remote Management Administrators Guide is included with the
Remote Management Administration Tools. It is also available in the Support Software CD Kit
or at the Compaq website at