4-34 Diagnostic Tools
SCSI Error Codes
This section includes the error codes for the following SCSI devices:
■ Hard drives
■ CD-ROM drives
■ Tape drives
The SCSI error codes are written in the format AABB-CC and can be determined by looking up
the respective parts of the code in the three corresponding tables numbered 4-26, 4-27, and 4-28.
■ AA (Table 4-26) identifies the drive type being tested.
■ BB (Table 4-27) identifies the type of test.
■ CC (Table 4-28) identifies the exact error received.
For example, if you received a diagnostic error code of 6523-05, you would look at Table 4-26
to identify the meaning of the first two numbers, 65. This indicates a hard drive problem. The
second set of two numbers, 23, refers to a random read, as shown in Table 4-27. The last two
numbers, 05, indicate a seek failure, as listed in Table 4-28. When you combine this information,
you know that the diagnostics program was testing the random-read functioning of the hard drive
and received a seek failure. The device is faulty and must be replaced.
Table 4-26
SCSI Device Names
Error Code Device
65XX-XX Hard Drive
66XX-XX CD-ROM Drive
67XX-XX Tape Drive
Table 4-27
SCSI Test Names
Error Code Failure
XX05-XX Read
XX06-XX SA/Media
XX23-XX Random Read
XX28-XX Media load/unload