Chapter 4 System Support
Compaq Deskpro 4000N and 4000S Personal Computers
First Edition - September 1997
Configuration Byte 83h, Microprocessor Identification
This byte holds the component ID and chip revision of the microprocessor.
Configuration Byte 84h, Microprocessor Revision
Configuration Byte 85h, Hood Lock/Administration Mode
Bit Function
7,6 Reserved
5 ESCD Buffering:
0 = No buffering, 1 = ESCD buffered at F000h.
4 Hood Lock Enable:
0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
3 User Mode Flag
2 Administration Mode Flag
1 Level Support:
0 = Level 1, 1 = Level 2
0 Feature Support Bit
0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
Configuration Byte 86h, Fast Boot Date
Configuration Byte 87h, Fast Boot Select
Bit Function
Configuration Byte 88h, Fast Boot Date (Year/Century)
Configuration Byte 89h, APM Resume Timer
Bit <7> indicates the timer status: 0 = disabled, 1 = timer set.
Configuration Byte 8Ah-8Fh, APM Resume Timer
These bytes hold the APM timer values:
Byte 8Ah, minutes
Byte 8Bh, hours
Byte 8Ch, day
Byte 8Dh, month
Byte 8Eh, year
Byte 8Fh, century