Technical Reference Guide
Compaq Deskpro 4000N and 4000S Personal Computers
First Edition - September 1997
Table 1-1. Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronym/Abbreviation Description
lb pound
LCD liquid crystal display
LED light-emitting diode
LIF low insertion force (socket)
LSI large scale integration
LSb / LSB least significant bit / least significant byte
LUN logical unit (SCSI)
MMX multimedia extensions
MPEG Motion Picture Experts Group
MOSFET Metal oxide silicon field effect transistor
ms millisecond
MSb / MSB most significant bit / most significant byte
mux multiplex
MVA motion video acceleration
MVW motion video window
variable parameter/value
NIC network interface card/controller
NiCad nickel cadmium
NiMH nickel-metal hydride
NMI non-maskable interrupt
ns nanosecond
NT nested task flag
NTSC National Television Standards Committee
NVRAM non-volatile random access memory
OEM original equipment manufacturer
OS operating system
PAL 1. programmable array logic 2. phase altering line
PC personal computer
PCI peripheral component interconnect
PCM pulse code modulation
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PF parity flag
PIN personal identification number
POST power-on self test
PROM programmable read-only memory
PTR pointer
RAM random access memory
RAS row address strobe
rcvr receiver
RF resume flag
RGB red/green/blue
RH Relative humidity
RMS root mean square
ROM read-only memory
RPM revolutions per minute
RTC real time clock
R/W read/write