Using Integrated Remote Console
Writer: Caroline Juszczak Project: Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide Comments: 281862-00x
File Name: E-CH04.DOC Last Saved On: 12/21/98 10:32 AM
Remote Console Menu Option
One of the primary control features offered by IRC is its ability to allow a user
remote access to the managed server’s console.
Enter remote console mode by selecting Remote Console… from the Main
Menu. This can be done by positioning the cursor, then pressing Enter. If your
terminal emulation program supports arrow keys (as does Insight Manager and
HyperTerminal), the UP and DOWN arrow keys can be used to move the
highlight bar to the various items available from this menu. If your application
does not support the arrow keys, the I and M keys can be used to perform this
function. See Table 4-1 for more information about navigating from within
Integrated Remote Console. After selecting Remote Console… from the main
menu, the Remote Console submenu is displayed as shown in Figure 4-3. This
menu allows you to:
■ Begin a Remote Console Session
■ Change the default attention key
■ Change the terminal screen size
■ Return to the Main Menu
Figure 4-3. Remote Console submenu