Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide
Writer: Caroline Juszczak Project: Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide Comments: 281862-002
File Name: J-APPA.DOC Last Saved On: 11/20/98 10:23 AM
Appendix A
Suggested Modem Settings
The following tables provide suggested settings for when a modem is dedicated
or shared in non-Windows-NT environments, and when the modem is shared in
a Windows NT 4.0 environment.
NOTE: Some of the initialization string entries in Tables A-1 and A-2 may be
too long to be completely displayed on one line and consequently wrap to
another line. When entering the string into IRC’s modem configuration,
combine wrapped lines into one string.
Pay special attention to the numbers 0 and 1 to distinguish them from the
letters O and I. The letter “O” does not appear in any of the modem strings.
Suggested Settings When Modem is
Dedicated or Shared in non-
Windows NT Environments
NOTE: The Port Setting for all modems is 8-N-1.
Table A-1
Dedicated or Shared in non-Windows NT Environment Modem Settings
Modem Selected Baud Init String #1 Init String #2
Cardinal Connecta 56K External
Fax Modem
115200 AT&F1Q0V1&C1&D2 AT&M4&K1&H1&R2&I0B0X4
Compaq SpeedPaq 144 Data Fax
19200 AT&FV1&C1&D2W1X4S95=47 AT\N3%C1S101=35\Q3B0N1X4
Compaq Microcom 415 External
Fax Modem
57600 AT&FQ0V1&C1&D2S95=47 AT\N3%C3&K3B0N1X4