5–34 Learning More About Your Computer
Understanding Computer Terms
A file format used to store sounds. WAV sound files can be identified
by the file extension .wav. Microsoft and IBM developed the format
for Windows-based programs that support sound. See file extension.
See World Wide Web.
Web browser
See browser.
A framed area that is displayed on the Windows desktop after you
select an item or open a program.
See Microsoft Windows.
Windows desktop
The main screen you see when your computer completes startup. The
desktop displays icons (small pictures) that represent items in the
operating system (such as My Computer and Recycle Bin), shortcuts
to programs installed on your computer, and shortcuts to folders or
files. See shortcut.
Windows Explorer
A file management program that lets you see the hierarchy of folders
on your computer and the files and subfolders stored in each folder.
Visualizing the hierarchy is useful for copying and moving files. You
can open the folder that contains the file you want to move or copy,
click and drag the file to a new folder, and then drop it in. To find
Windows Explorer, click the Start button, and point to Programs. You
can also create a shortcut to Windows Explorer.