Learning More About Your Computer 5–33
Understanding Computer Terms
A small program that helps your computer to manage system
resources for optimum performance. For example, anti-virus,
diagnostic, file backup, file compression, and font management
V.90 standard
A standard adopted in 1998 to resolve competition between two
technologies for 56KBps modems. (If your modem does not conform
to the V.90 standard, you can visit the manufacturer’s Web site and
download a software update.)
video CD
A standard for displaying full motion pictures with associated audio
on CD. The video and sound are compressed together using the
MPEG1 standard and recorded onto a CD Bridge CD. Video CDs
contain one data track recorded in CD-ROM XA Mode 2 Form 2.
This is always the first track on the CD (Track 1). The ISO 9660 file
structure and a CD-I application program are recorded on this track,
as well as
the Video CD information area that gives general information about
the Video CD. After the data track, video is written in one or more
subsequent tracks within the same session. These tracks are also
recorded in Mode Form 2. The session is closed after all tracks have
been written.
video phone
See Internet phone.
A program written to cause harm to computers. A virus can cause
unusual messages to be displayed on the screen, destroy information
on the hard drive, or cause your hard drive to crash. Some viruses
affect your computer immediately; others are set to activate on a
certain date. See anti-virus utility. See also program, hard disk, and
hard drive.