3-32 Using Compaq Software
Writer: Holly Jahangiri Saved by: Alyce Klingler-Castle Saved date: 06/10/97 4:36 PM
Pages: 32 Words: 6860 Template: c:\msoffice\templates\comm.dot
File Name Ch3 Part Number 278019-002
Cabletron (SPECTRUM Enterprise Manager)
Hewlett Packard (Compaq Insight Manager for OpenView)
Seagate (NerveCenter)
Tivoli (TME10)
Tivoli (Compaq Insight Manager for TME10 NetView)
For more information on integrating with Systems Management
Partners, refer to the Compaq World Wide Web site
Protecting Your
To protect your software from loss or damage, you should keep
a backup copy of all system software, applications, and related
files stored on your hard drive. You can order a set of backup
diskettes from Compaq at nominal cost for all of the software
preinstalled on your computer, or you can make your own set.
Refer to your operating system or backup utility documentation
for instructions on making backup copies of your data files.
Ordering Backup Diskettes
You can order all software as a single set, or you can order the
various software packages separately.
Before calling Compaq to place your order, be sure to have the
serial number of your computer available. This number is
necessary for all diskette purchases.
Compaq authorized dealers, resellers, and service providers can
tell you what backup software combinations are currently
available for your computer. For a list of Compaq support
telephone numbers, see Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting.”