Reference Guide 3-17
Writer: Holly Jahangiri Saved By: Alyce Klingler-Castle Saved Date: 06/10/97 4:36 PM
Pages: 32 Words: 6860 Template: c:\msoffice\templates\comm.dot
File Name Ch3 Part Number 278019-002
Using Compaq Insight Personal Edition
To use Compaq Insight Personal Edition (Diagnostics for
Windows), complete the following steps:
1. Double-click the Compaq Insight Personal Edition icon,
located in the Control Panel.
The screen displays an overview of the computer hardware
and software.
2. For specific hardware and software information, select a
category from the Category menu or from the toolbar.
As you move your cursor over the toolbar icons, the
corresponding category names appear near the cursor.
3. To display more detailed information in a selected
category, click More in the Information Level box.
Categories or items of information displayed by Compaq
Insight Personal Edition are similar to but may vary
slightly from the information presented in View System
Information (INSPECT).
4. Review, print, and, if necessary, discuss this information
with your authorized Compaq reseller or service provider.
To print the information, click File, then select Print.
Select one of the following options: Detailed Report (All
Categories), Summary Report (All Categories), or Current
Category. Click OK to print the report you selected.
5. To exit Compaq Insight Personal Edition, click File, then
click Exit.