Product Registration
Topspin Communications is pleased that you have selected Topspin for your computing infrastructure.
Topspin provides comprehensive customer support resources via telephone and Web access.
Topspin’s Customer Support Web site has the latest TopspinOS (IB Switch and I/O Chassis Operating
System), Linux and Windows Host Side Drivers, Boot over InfiniBand Firmware and technical
documentation. Topspin recommends that you download the latest Topspin software and documentation
from the Topspin support web site so that you can take full advantage of the latest capabilities.
Registration Benefits
Customers must register on-line to receive the following benefits:
• Software updates and downloads
• Product warranty support
• Customer service and support
• Product documentation
Registration Instructions
Please immediately follow the instructions below to register yourself as a Topspin user:
1. Go to http://support.topspin.com
2. Click the “Register Now” link below the customer login prompt
3. Enter at least one of your product serial numbers in the spaces provided. Each serial number must
be entered exactly as it appears on the product label, including dashes.
4. Enter your contact information in the spaces provided.
User Name and Password
Once you register, Topspin will provide you with a user name and password to access the secure
customer support Web site. You may also contact Topspin customer support at:
• Email: support@topspin.com