
Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Appendix A Specifications
Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Shelf Specifications
A.1.2 UDC Interface
The ONS 15310-MA SDH 64-kbps user data channel (UDC) digital interface has the following
The 64- kbps digital interface provides a digital input and output.
Any F1 byte that is accessible on the system is interfaced at the UDC connector.
The UDC provides a simplex interface. Protection for UDC overhead channel(s) follows interface
line protection for traffic.
The UDC can be enabled or disabled through the management interfaces. The default state is
The physical interface is defined in ITU-T G.703 as a 120-ohm, twisted pair connection. The jitter
specification is defined in ITU-T G.823.
The UDC supports a serial port interface adaptation function to overhead bytes F1. This is an
EIA/TIA-232 interface capable of 9.6-, 19.2-, 38.4-, and 56-kbps operation. The rate is selectable
through the management interface. The default is 56 kbps with no parity and 1 stop bit.
Connector J3: UDC
A.1.3 Cisco Transport Controller LAN Interface
The ONS 15310-MA SDH CTC LAN interface has the following specifications:
15310E-CTX-K9 access: RJ-45 connector
Connector J3: LAN port
A.1.4 TL1 Craft Interface
The ONS 15310-MA SDH TL1 craft interface has the following specifications:
Speed: 9600 baud, no parity, 1 stop bit
15310E-CTX-K9: EIA/TIA-232 with RJ-45 type connector
Connector J2: Craft port
A.1.5 Configurations
The ONS 15310-MA SDH supports the following configurations:
Two-fiber path protection
1+1 protection
Extended SNCP
Add/drop multiplexer (ADM)
Point-to-point (PPP) terminal mode