1 Program the
Withouta properlyinstalled safety reversal system,persons(particularlysmall children) could be SERIOUSLY INJURED or KLLED by aclosing garage door.
• Incorrectadjustmentofgarage door travel limitswill interfere with proper operation ofsafetyreversal system.
• After ANY adjustmentsare made,the safetyreversal systemMUST be tested.Door MUSTreverse on contactwith 1-1/2" (3.8 cm) high object(or 2x4 laid flat) on
1.1 Press and hold the
AdjustmentButton until
the UP Button beginsto
flash and/or a beep is
1.2 Press and hold the UP Button until the door isin
the desired UP position.
NOTE: The UPand DOWNButtons can be
used to move the door up and down asneeded.
1.3 Once the door isin the desired UP position
pressand release the Adjustment Button.The
garage door opener lightswill flash twice and
the DOWNButton will begin to flash.
1.4 Press and hold the DOWN Button until the door
isin the desired DOWNposition.
NOTE: The UPand DOWNButtons can be
used to move the door up and down asneeded.
1.5 Once the door isin the
desired DOWN position
pressand release the
AdjustmentButton. The
garage door opener
lightswill flash twice
and the UP Button will
begin to flash.
1.6 Press and release the UP Button. When the
door travelsto the programmed UP position,the
DOWN Button will begin to flash.
1.7 Press and release the DOWNButton.The door
will travel to the programmed DOWNposition.
Programming iscomplete.
Ifthe garage door opener lightsare flashing 5
timesduring the stepsfor Program the Travel, the
programming hastimed out.Ifthe garage door
opener lightsare flashing 10 timesduring the steps
for Program the Travel, the safetyreversing
sensorsare misaligned or obstructed (refer to
page 28).When the sensorsare aligned and
unobstructed,cycle the door through a complete
up and down cycle using the remote control or the
UP and DOWNbuttons. Programming iscomplete.
Ifyou are unable to operate the door up and down,
repeatthe stepsfor Programming the Travel.