To avoid possible SERIOUS NJURY froma
falling garage door opener,fasten itSECURELY to
structural supportsofthe garage.Concrete anchors MUST
be used ifinstalling ANY bracketsinto masonry.
H10 (2)
Lag Screw 5/16"- 18x1-7/8"
H15 (2)
Hex Bolt 5/16"- 18x7/8"
H21 (2)
Nut 5/16"-18
H20 (2)
Lock Washer
Hanging the garage door opener will vary
depending on your garage.Below are three
example installations.Your installation maybe
different.For ALL installations the garage door
opener MUSTbe connected to structural
supports. The instructionsillustrate one ofthe
Finished Ceiling
Unfinished Ceiling
5.1 On finished ceilings,use the lag screws
(H10) to attach a supportbracket(not
provided) to the structural supports
before installing the garage door opener.
(not provided)
5.2 Make sure the garage door opener is
aligned with the header bracket.Measure
the distance fromeach side ofthe garage
door opener to the supportbracket.
5.3 Cut both piecesof the hanging bracket
(notprovided) to required lengths.
5.4 Attach the end ofeach hanging bracketto
the supportbracketwith appropriate
hardware (notprovided).
5.5 Attach the garage door opener to the
hanging bracketswith the bolts(H21),
lockwashers(H15) and nuts(H20).
5.6 Remove the 2x4 and manuallyclose the
door.If the door hits the rail,raise the
header bracket.
5 Hang the garage door opener