Preparing your garage door
Before you begin:
o Disable locks
o Remove any ropes connected to garage door.
- Complete the following test to make sure your garage
door is balanced and is not sticking or binding:
1 Lift the door about halfway as shown Release the
door. if balanced, it should stay in place, supported
entirely by its springs
2 Raise and lower the door to see if there is any
binding or sticking
If your door binds, sticks, or is out of balance, call a
trained door systems technician
TopreventpossibleSERIOUSINJURYor DEATH:
- ALWAYSca!latraineddoor systemstechnicianif garage
door binds,sticks, or is out of balance An unbalanced
garagedoor maynot reversewhenrequired
oNEVERtry to loosen,moveor adjustgaragedoor,door
springs,cables,pulleys,bracketsor their hardware,a!;of
which areunderEXTREMEtension
° DisableALL locksandremoveALL ropesconnectedto
garagedoor BEFOREinstallingand operatinggaragedoor
openerto avoidentanglement.
To preventdamageto garagedoor and opener:
• ALWAYSdisablelocksBEFOREinstallingand operating
• ONLYoperategaragedoor openerat!20V, 60 Hzto avoid
Sectional Door
One-Piece Door
Tools needed
During assembly, installation and adjustment of the opener,
instructions will call for hand tools as illustrated below
Step Ladder
Level (optional) _ Penc_f
Tape Measure
Wire Cutters
Drill 3/16', 5ft 6"
_,_ and 5/32"
and 1/4"
Hack Saw
Adjustable End Wrench