16.3 Field Formats
16.3.1 SX : System Exclusive Message Status
This is the System Exclusive Message status byte established by the MIDI standard.
16.3.2 MAN : Manufacturer’s ID
Indicates this Instrument’s manufacturer ID.
16.3.3 MOD : Model ID
These two successive bytes (MSB, LSB) indicate the PX-130, 330, 3, 730, 7, 830, and AP-220, 420, 620, 6 model ID.
16.3.4 dev : MIDI DeviceID 00H - 7FH
The contents of this field in a received message are compared with the Model’s MIDI Device ID, and receipt of the incoming
message is allowed only when the two IDs match. The default value for this field is 10H. When a message containing
7FH is received, receipt of the message is always allowed, regardless of the Instrument’s ID setting.
MIDI Device ID is a Patch Parameter, and it can be changed with a System Exclusive Message. In this case, the Device
ID of the MIDI System Exclusive Message must be set to 7FH before it is sent.
16.3.5 act : Action
This field indicates the operation of the Instrument-specific System Exclusive Message.
IPR : Individual Parameter Request
Indicates an individual parameter value send request message. When the Instrument receives this action, it uses an IPS
message to return the specified parameter value.
IPS : Individual Parameter Send
Indicates an individual parameter value send message. When the Instrument receives this action, it rewrites the value specified
by the data field with the specified parameter value.
Format: 11110000B (F0H)
Format: 01000100B (CASIO = 44H)
Format: MSB 00010101B (15H)
LSB 00000010B (02H)
Format: 0dddddddB
Format: 0aaaaaaaB
aaaaaaaB Action Function
00H IPR Individual Parameter Request
01H IPS Individual Parameter Send