9.1 Bank Select (00H)
Sent when a tone is selected.
For information about numbers, see the Tone List in the User’s Guide.
Receipt switches the tone bank number stored in Instrument memory. Note, however, that the tone is not changed until a
Program Change message is received.
For details, see “11 Program Change”.
For information about numbers, see the Tone List in the User’s Guide.
9.2 Modulation (01H)
This message is not sent by this Instrument.
Receipt adds, to the voice being sounded, modulation of a depth specified by the value. In the case of a tone that already
has modulation applied, receipt of this message increases the modulation depth. The modulation effect differs according
to the tone being used.
9.3 Portamento Time (05H)
This message is not sent by this Instrument.
Receipt changes the time it takes until pitch reaches the target portamento effect pitch.
Message Format: BnH 00H mmH (MSB)
BnH 20H llH (LSB)
n: MIDI Channel Number
mm: Value
ll: Send: 00H, Receive: Ignored
Message Format: BnH 01H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value
Message Format: BnH 05H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value