The WINST.INF file is used to make installation procedure specifications for WINST.EXE. The
method used to write the WINST.INF file is the same as that used for the INI file in MS-Windows.
For information about each setup item refer to the following table.
Setup Section Description
yes or no
If set to "yes", a Windows directory is created in the D drive, and a file in
E: WINDOWS LOCAL is copied there. Since existing files will be
overwritten, specify "no" to prevent the contents from being overwritten.
This specification will be ignored if WINST.EXE is started on a personal
l=yes or no
If set to "yes", the language , country code, and keyboard setups are made.
Information about the setup contents follow the scripts in the “Intl” section.
or no
If set to "yes", the drivers will be updated. This process will be executed
according to the setups described in the “Update” section.
yes or no
Selects whether the mouse cursor is displayed. If set to "yes", VGA_C.DRV
is registered as the display driver. If set to "no", VGA_NC.DRV is registered
yes or no
On the terminal it is recommended to use a start-up procedure that initiates
an application program together with MS-Windows, instead of using Program
Manager. If set to "yes", the specified application program, instead of
Program Manager, will be registered.
This registration process will follow the setup described in the [Shell] section.
[Intl] section This section is referred when ModifyInternational=yes is specified at the
[Setup] section.
Specifies the country code. From the Setting column of the table shown
below select a value to be placed on the right side of the equation.
Country Setting Country Setting
Australia australi Austria Austria
Belgium(Dutch) BelgiumD Belgium(French) BelgiumF
Brazil Brazil Canada(English) CanadaE
Canada(French) CanadaF Denmark Denmark
Finland Finland France France
Germany Germany Iceland Iceland
Ireland Ireland Italy Italy
Mexico Mexico Netherlands Nether
New Zealand NewZea Norway Norway
Portugal Portugal South Korea SouthKor
Spain Spain Sweden Sweden
Switzerland (German)
SwitzI Taiwan Taiwan
United Kingdom UK United States US
Specifies the language to be used. From the Setting column of the table
shown below select a value to be placed on the right side of the equation.
Country Kind Setting Country Kind Setting
Danish Danish Dutch Dutch
English(American) america
Finnish Finnish French French
French Canadian FrenchC German German
Icelandic Icelandi Italian Italian
Norwegian Norwegia Portuguese Portugue
Spanish Spanish Spanish(Modern) SpanishM
Swedish Swedish