Expansion keycode property
Function This is a property to set up the keycode of the expansion key to be registered.
Property name KeyCode
Type short
Value Keycode to be set
Format <In case of VC>
CVBControl* m_PadCtrl;
m_PadCtrl->SetNumProperty(“KeyCode”, keycode);
<In case of VB>
Padctrl1. KeyCode = keycode
Expansion key image property
Function This is a property to set up the key image of the expansion key to be
Property name Ext1Data1 - Ext1Data48 (48 pieces)
Ext2Data1 - Ext2Data48 (48 pieces)
Value Picture handle of the bitmap
Format <In case of VC>
CVBControl* m_PadCtrl;
m_PadCtrl->SetPictureProperty(Ext1Data1, picture handle);
<In case of VB>
Padctrl1. Ext1Data1 = LoadPicture( bitmap file name )
Expansion pad operation property
Function This is an action property to register, delete or delete-all the data to/from the
expansion pad.
Property name ExtPad
Type short
Value 1 = Register
2 = Delete
3 = Delete all
Format <In case of VC>
CVBControl* m_PadCtrl;
m_PadCtrl->SetNumProperty( "ExtPad", 1 or 2 or 3);
<In case of VB>
Padctrl1. ExtPad = 1 or 2 or 3