Chapter 2: Main Application 65
Using the Calculation Submenu
The [Calculation] submenu contains calculus related commands, such as “diff” (differentiation) and “ ”
u diff [Action][Calculation][diff]
Function: Differentiates an expression with respect to a specific variable.
Syntax: diff(Exp/List[,variable] [ ) ]
diff(Exp/List,variable,order[,a] [ ) ]
• “a” is the point for which you want to determine the derivative.
• “order” = 1 when you use the following syntax: diff(Exp/List[,variable][ ) ]. The default variable is “
x ” when
“variable” is omitted.
Example: To differentiate
with respect to x
u impDiff [Action][Calculation][impDiff]
Function: Differentiates an equation or expression in implicit form with respect
to a specific variable.
Syntax: impDiff(Eq/Exp/List, independent variable, dependent variable)
Example: To find
y ’ using implicit differentiation
The derivative symbol (’) cannot be used in the argument of “impDiff(”. Trying to use a derivative symbol
would result in a Wrong Argument Type error.
[Action][Calculation][ ]
Function: Integrates an expression with respect to a specific variable.
(Exp/List[,variable] [ ) ]
(Exp/List, variable, lower limit, upper limit [,tol ] [ ) ]
• “
x” is the default when you omit [,variable].
• “
tol” represents the allowable error range.
• This command returns an approximate value when a range is specified for “
tol ”.
• This command returns the true value of a definite interval when nothing is specified for “
tol ”. If the true value
cannot be obtained, however, this command returns an
approximate value along with tol =1
– 5.
Example: To integrate x with respect to x
u lim [Action][Calculation][lim]
Function: Determines the limit of an expression.
Syntax: lim (Exp/List, variable, point [,direction] [
Example: To determine the limit of
as x approaches ∞
• This function returns the limit from the left when “direction” < 0, the limit from the right when “direction” > 0,
and the limit from both sides (left and right) when “direction” = 0 or when the direction is omitted.
Function: Evaluates an expression at discrete variable values within a range, and then calculates a sum.
Syntax: Σ(Exp/List, variable, lower value, upper value [ ) ]
Example: To calculate the sum of
as the value of x changes from x = 1
through x =10