Chapter 12: Program Application 207Chapter 12: Program Application 207
Local Misc - Variable
Syntax: LocalⅪ<variable name>, <variable name> ...
[,<color command>]
Function: Defines a local variable.
Description: The following are the merits of local
• Since local variables are deleted automatically,
use of local variables for temporary storage avoids
unnecessary use of available memory.
• Since local variables do not affect general (user)
variables, you can name local variables without
worrying about whether the name you are using is
already used by another variable.
Locate I/O - Output
Syntax 1: LocateⅪ<
x-coordinate>, <y-coordinate>,
Syntax 2: LocateⅪ<
x-coordinate>, <y-coordinate>,
Function: This command displays the result of the
specified expression or the specified text string at the
specified coordinates on the display screen.
• The coordinates of the point at the upper left corner
of the effective area of the Locate command are (1,
1), and coordinate values can be specified in the
range of 1 to 580 for the x-coordinate and 1 to 580
for the y-coordinate. Note, however, that the actual
dot count of the ClassPad screen is 320 × 528.
• An expression result is displayed as a single line.
Lock Misc - Variable
Syntax: LockⅪ<variable name>, <variable name> ...
Function: Locks variables.
LockFolder Misc - Variable - Folder
Syntax: LockFolderⅪ<folder name>
Function: Locks the specified folder and all the files
currently inside of it.
LogisticReg (LogisticR)
Misc - Statistics(1) - Regression
Syntax: LogisticRegⅪ
xList, yList[,[<yn>][,{On ; Off}]]
Function: Performs
y = c/(1 + a·e(
)) regression.
Description: See SinReg.
LogP Misc - Graph&Table(1)
Function: Used as a ViewWindow command
argument to specify an option. See ViewWindow.
LogReg (LogR) Misc - Statistics(1) - Regression
Syntax: LogRegⅪ
xList, yList[,[FreqList (or 1)][,[<yn>]
[,{On ; Off}]]]
Function: Performs
y = a + b·ln(x) regression.
Description: See SinReg.
LpWhile Ctrl - Do
See Do~LpWhile.
MedBox Misc - Statistics(1) - Graph
Function: Used as a StatGraph command argument
to specify an option. See StatGraph.
MedMedLine (MedMed)
Misc - Statistics(1) - Regression
Syntax: MedMedLineⅪ
xList, yList[,[FreqList (or 1)]
[,[<yn>] [,{On ; Off}]]]
Function: Performs
y = a·x + b Med-Med calculation.
Description: See SinReg.
Message I/O - Output
Syntax: MessageⅪ"<string 1>" [,"<string 2>"]
Function: This command pauses program execution
and displays a dialog box containing the text specified
by "<string 1>".
The text is positioned flush top left. The text specified
for "<string 2>" is used as the dialog box title.
• Text strings enclosed within quotation marks (" ") or
variable names can be specified for "<string 1>" and
"<string 2>".
• Tapping [OK] closes the dialog box and resumes
program execution.
• Tapping [Cancel] terminates program execution.
ModBox Misc - Statistics(1) - Graph
Function: Used as a StatGraph command argument
to specify an option. See StatGraph.
MoveVar Misc - Variable
Syntax: MoveVarⅪ<variable name>, <current folder
name>, <destination folder name>
Function: Moves a variable to the specified folder.
MultiSortA k
Syntax 1: MultiSortAⅪ<list name>
Syntax 2: MultiSortAⅪ<base list name>, <subordinate
list name>, <subordinate list name>, ...
Function: Sorts a statistical list in ascending order.
• Syntax 1 performs a simple list sort.
• Syntax 2 sorts multiple lists on the base list. Up to
five subordinate lists can be specified.