Data Name Contents
<CAPTURE> Capture memory group
CAPT n (n = 1 to 20) Capture memory
CONICS Conics setting data
<PROGRAM> Program group
Each program name Programs
<S-SHEET> Spreadsheet group
Each spreadsheet name Spreadsheet data
Each add-in application name Application-specific data
<F-MEM> Function memory group
F-MEM n (n = 1 to 20) Function memory
SETUP Setup data
OS and data shared by applications (clipboard, replay,
history, etc.), which is not included in the above
Storage Memory, SD Card*
Data Name Contents
Data items listed in the Main Memory table that has
*.g1m file names been copied to storage memory or an SD card.
The names of these files have the extension “.g1m”.
eActivity data names eActivity data stored in storage memory or on an SD
Add-in software names
Add-in applications, add-in languages, and add-in
(Applications, languages,
menus stored in storage memory or on an SD card.
Folder names Enclosed in square brackets ([ ]).
Unknown Area that is unusable due to writing error, etc.
“No Data” is displayed when there is no data
in storage memory or on the SD card. The
message “No Card” indicates there is no SD
card loaded in the calculator.