The graph conditions that are required depends on the graph type. See “Changing Graph
Parameters” (page 6-1-2).
• The following is a typical graph condition specification for a scatter diagram or xyLine
S-Gph1 DrawOn, Scatter, List 1, List 2, 1, Square _
In the case of an xy line graph, replace “Scatter” in the above specification with “xyLine”.
• The following is a typical graph condition specification for a normal probability plot.
S-Gph1 DrawOn, NPPlot, List 1, Square _
• The following is a typical graph condition specification for a single-variable graph.
S-Gph1 DrawOn, Hist, List 1, List 2 _
The same format can be used for the following types of graphs, by simply replacing “Hist”
in the above specification with the applicable graph type.
Histogram: .....................................Hist
Median Box:...................................MedBox*
Normal Distribution: .......................N-Dist
Broken Line: ..................................Broken
• The following is a typical graph condition specification for a regression graph.
S-Gph1 DrawOn, Linear, List 1, List 2, List 3 _
The same format can be used for the following types of graphs, by simply replacing “Linear”
in the above specification with the applicable graph type.
Linear Regression: ........................Linear
Med-Med: ......................................Med-Med
Quadratic Regression:...................Quad
Cubic Regression: .........................Cubic
Quartic Regression:.......................Quart
Logarithmic Regression: .................Log
Exponential Regression:................Exp
Power Regression: ........................Power
Using Calculator Functions in Programs
S-Gph1 DrawOn, MedBox, List 1, 1, 1
S-Gph1 DrawOn, MedBox, List 1, 1, 0