Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Pg 32 Catalog No. 04-52300015-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 30XW-2PD
Replaces: 30XW-1PD
Carrier Corporation • Syracuse, New York 13221 6-09
Section 9
Ta b 9a
12. Compressor Suction Service Valve:
Standard refrigerant discharge isolation and
liquid valves enable service personnel to store
the refrigerant charge in the evaporator or
condenser during servicing. This factory-
installed option allows for further isolation of
the compressor from the evaporator vessel.
13. GFI Convenience Outlet:
Shall be factory or field-installed and mounted
with easily accessible 115-v female receptacle.
Shall include 4 amp GFI receptacle.
14. 300 psig (2068 kPa) Evaporator Operating
This option shall provide for water-side pres-
sure operation up to 300 psig (2068 kPa).
15. 300 psig (2068 kPa) Condenser Operating
This option shall provide for water-side pres-
sure operation up to 300 psig (2068 kPa).
16. Marine Waterboxes:
Marine waterboxes shall provide water piping
connections extending from the side of the
waterbox (as opposed to extending from the
end of the waterbox). This option also includes
a removable bolt on waterbox cover allowing
access to the heat exchanger tubes without
breaking the existing field piping. This option
is available for both the evaporator and
17. Flanged Connection:
The flanged connection option shall provide
an ANSI flange on the end of the chiller water
piping for connection to a customer supplied
mating flange in the field piping. This option
is available for both the evaporator and
18. One-Pass Condenser:
This option shall provide a lower pressure
drop through the condenser for applications
with low delta T (temperature) or high flow or
where the condensers are piped in a series.
The one-pass condenser option is only avail-
able with flanged connections and with a dis-
charge end leaving water connection.
19. Dual Point Power:
The dual point power option shall provide a
means for connecting two sources of power to
dual compressor chillers. One source of power
is wired to operate the compressor on the A
circuit and one source of power is wired to
operate the compressor on the B circuit of the
20. Non-Fused Disconnect:
This option shall provide a no load, lockable,
through the door handle disconnect for unit
power on the chiller. On dual point power,
one disconnect is provided for each of the two
main power supplies. This disconnect does
not remove the control circuit from power
21. Control Transformer:
The control transformer shall be sized to sup-
ply the needs of the control circuit from the
main power supply.
22. Nitrogen Charge:
A nitrogen charge option is available to pro-
vide a 15 lb (6.8 kg) charge of nitrogen
instead of a full factory charge of R-134a
refrigerant to keep the chiller refrigerant cir-
cuit dry during shipment. This option is rec-
ommended for applications where the unit will
be disassembled prior to installation. Units
shipped with a nitrogen charge will receive an
electrical continuity test at the factory prior to
23. Crate for Shipment:
This option is recommended for export
orders. The chiller will be bagged prior to
being placed in a wooden crate.
24. Remote Enhanced Display:
This option is a remotely mounted indoor
40-character per line, 16-line display panel for
unit monitoring and diagnostics.
25. Vibration Springs:
A set of non-siesmic spring isolators can be
provided for installation at the jobsite.
Guide specifications (cont)