
Now that Canon Photo Paper Pro has been registered, you can
simply select this custom paper size in the Page Setup dialog box
for future use.
9. Click Print. The printer driver setup screen will open.
10. Load a sheet of Canon Photo Paper Pro into the paper tray. Click Print.
When using Canon Photo Paper Pro 4 x 6, insert the sheets in the direction
shown and print on the glossier side. When finished, remove perforated
edges. The results look just like a photograph.
Remember, when handling specialty media
papers, always follow the instructions
included with the media for the best printing
results. See page 3 for a list of other fun-to-
use Canon Specialty Papers.
MMeerrggiinngg PPhhoottooss ttoo CCrreeaattee aa PPaannoorraammiicc VViieeww
You can merge a series of overlapping images into a seamless panoramic view.
TToo ccrreeaattee aa ppaannoorraammiicc vviieeww::
1. Select the images in the Browser window, then click Select All. The images
will highlight. In the Edit menu, select PhotoStitch. The PhotoStitch
program will start.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions to arrange,
stitch, rotate, enlarge, or reduce your image.
MMaacciinnttoosshh UUsseerrss:: UUnniinnssttaalllliinngg tthhee BBJJ SSoolluuttiioonn SSooffttwwaarree
TToo uunniinnssttaallll tthhee BBJJ SSoolluuttiioonn SSooffttwwaarree iinn MMaacciinnttoosshh::
Drag its folders to the Trash icon located on your desktop.
Chapter 5
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