
WWiinnddoowwss UUsseerrss:: UUssiinngg YYoouurr SSooffttwwaarree
IInn tthhiiss sseeccttiioonn yyoouullll lleeaarrnn hhooww ttoo::
• Start ZoomBrowser EX
Print on Canon Photo Paper Pro
Merge photos to create a panoramic view
SSttaarrttiinngg ZZoooommBBrroowwsseerr EEXX
TToo SSttaarrtt ZZoooommBBrroowwsseerr EEXX::
1. Make sure the images are on your hard drive or other accessible media.
2. Double-click the Canon ZoomBrowser EX icon on the desktop to start
the program.
If the Canon ZoomBrowser EX icon does not appear on the
desktop, click Start, Programs, Canon Utilities, ZoomBrowser EX,
then ZoomBrowser EX.
3. From the File menu, select Add
Image Library. Identify where the
images are stored, and click OK.
The images will display as
PPrriinnttiinngg oonn CCaannoonn PPhhoottoo PPaappeerr PPrroo
TToo pprriinntt oonn CCaannoonn PPhhoottoo PPaappeerr PPrroo::
1. Select a folder or images for printing from the ZoomBrowser EX Display
window and click Print Layout to start the PhotoRecord program. The
selected images will display automatically.
Chapter 5
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