2-3. Operation Panel Board
J1 (Logic Board)
J2 (LCD Unit)
No. Signal name Function Input / Output
1 DGND Ground -
2 POWER_SW Power switch OUT
Stop/Reset switch
4 LED_POW Power LED display IN
5 LED_ERR Error LED display IN
6 PN_RXD Transmission signal OUT
7 PN_TXD Reception signal IN
8 DGND Ground -
9 LVDATA+ LCD data signal+ IN
data signal- IN
11 +5V Power supply IN
12 LVCLK+ LCD clock signal+ IN
13 LVCLK- LCD clock signal- IN
14 +3.3V Logic power supply IN
15 PNL_INT Panel interruption signal OUT
16 DGND Ground -
17 PNL_RSTX Panel reset signal IN
18 DGND Ground -
No. Signal name Function Input / Output
1 LED_SHDNX Backlight-on operation enable OUT
2 LED_POW Power supply OUT
3 VDD Power supply OUT
4 Vss Ground -
5 LED_Vss Ground -
6 DB7 Display data 7 OUT
7 DB6 Display data 6 OUT
8 DB5 Display data 5 OUT
9 DB4 Display data 4 OUT
10 DB3 Display data 3 OUT
11 DB2 Display data 2 OUT
12 DB1 Display data 1 OUT
13 DB0 Display data 0 OUT
14 WDB Write signal OUT
15 RS0 Register select signal OUT
16 RSTB Reset signal OUT
17 CS1B Chip select signal OUT
18 RDB Power supply OUT
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<Part 3: 2. CONNECTOR LOCATION AND PIN LAYOUT; 2-3. Operation Panel Board>