Select the size of the paper loaded in the machine from the Printer Paper Size list.
This completes the setup for dividing the document into 2 and performing tiling/poster
4. Set the number of image divisions and the pages to be printed
If necessary, click Specify..., specify the following settings in the Tiling/Poster
Printing dialog box, and then click OK.
Image Divisions
Select the number of divisions (vertical x horizontal). As the number of divisions
increases, the number of sheets used for printing increases. If you are pasting pages
together to create a poster, increasing the number of divisions allow you to create a
larger poster.
Print "Cut/Paste" in margins
To leave out words "Cut" and "Paste", uncheck this check box.
This feature may be unavailable when certain printer drivers or operating
environments are used.
Print "Cut/Paste" lines in margins
To leave out cut lines, uncheck this check box.
Print page range
Specifies the printing range. Select All under normal circumstances.
To reprint only a specific page, select Pages and enter the page number you want to
print. To specify multiple pages, enter the page numbers by separating them with
commas or by entering a hyphen between the page numbers.
You can also specify the print range by clicking the pages in the settings