To rotate the document 90 degrees to the left when printing, select the check box.
To rotate the document 90 degrees to the right when printing, clear the check box.
Ink Drying Wait Time
The machine can pause before printing a subsequent page. Moving the slider to the
right increases the pause time, and moving the slider to the left decreases the time.
If the paper gets stained because the next page is ejected before the ink on the
printed page dries, increase the ink drying wait time.
Reducing the ink drying wait time speeds up printing.
View Print History
This function starts the Canon IJ XPS preview, and displays the print history.
You can use this function only with the XPS printer driver.
View Printer Status
Starts the Canon IJ Status Monitor.
Perform this function when you want to check the printer status and how a print job is
If you are using the XPS printer driver, the "Canon IJ Status Monitor" becomes the
"Canon IJ XPS Status Monitor".
Opens the About dialog box.
The version of the printer driver, plus a copyright notice, can be checked.
In addition, the language to be used can be switched.
About dialog box
When you click About, the About dialog box is displayed.
This dialog box displays the version, copyright, and module list of the printer driver. You
can select the language to be used and switch the language displayed in the setup
Lists the printer driver modules.
Specifies the language you wish to use in the printer driver setup window.