
Entering Numbers, Letters, and Symbols
Repeatedly press the Numeric buttons until the character you want to enter is displayed in the entry field.
The input method is as follows.
To move the insertion position (cursor position) in the entry field
Press the or button (B).
To delete an entered character
Move the cursor under the character to delete, then press the center Function button (C) to select
To insert a space
Press the right Function button (D) to select Space.
To insert a symbol
Repeatedly press the button (E) to display the desired symbol.
After entry is complete, press the OK button (F).
List of Characters Assigned to Each Numeric Button
Lowercase mode
Uppercase mode
Numeric mode
Fax /
Telephone no.
1 1
abcåäáàãâæç ABCÅÄÁÀÃÂÆÇ 2 2
defëéèê DEFËÉÈÊ 3 3
gh i ï í ì î GH I Ï Í Ì Î 4 4
jkl JKL 5 5
mnoñøöóòõô MNOÑØÖÓÒÕÔ 6 6
pqrsþ PQRSÞ 7 7
tuvüúùû TUVÜÚÙÛ 8 8
wxyzý WXYZÝ 9 9