715Sending FaxesChapter 7
Sending Faxes
7 Enter up to 116 fax numbers you want to send
to using any of the following methods:
❏ Onetouch speed dialling:
Press the onetouch speed dialling
button(s) you want.
❏ Coded speed dialling:
Press Coded Dial, then use the numeric
buttons to enter the twodigit code you
want. Repeat for other codes.
• Be sure to press Coded Dial before
each code.
❏ Regular dialling:
Use the numeric buttons to enter the fax
number you want, then press OK.
• You can only enter one fax number
this way.
❏ Dialling with the directory
Look up the other party’s name.
• If you enter the wrong destination, press C, then enter the correct destination.
• When you have entered multiple fax numbers, use ▼ or ▲ to scroll through the
numbers to review the destinations.
8 Press Start/Copy to begin scanning the
document into the FAX’s memory.
• When the preset time is reached, the FAX
sends the document to the destination(s)
you specified in step 7.
• You can register up to 20 different delayed sending operations.
• If the FAX’s memory becomes full while scanning your document, MEMORY FULL
will appear in the LCD. If this happens, you will not be able to send the document at
a preset time. Remove the remainder of the document from the ADF (you may need
to open the operation panel to do so).
• Since the FAX is multitasking, you can perform other tasks even when your FAX is
set for delayed sending.
TEL=905 795 1111
TEL=03 3758 2111
TEL= 2 887 0166