55Paper HandlingChapter 5
Paper Handling
■ Selecting Paper Delivery
Before selecting paper delivery, be sure to take note of the following:
• Always set the paper delivery selector before printing ( below).
• Changing paper delivery while the unit is printing will cause problems. Wait for
the printout to exit the unit completely before changing paper delivery.
• The facedown delivery slot can hold up to approximately 50 sheets of paper. To
prevent paper jams, remove paper from this slot before the count reaches 50.
• Make sure there is enough room for the paper to exit from the faceup delivery
slot. Remove each sheet as it is delivered from this slot.
• Never pull the paper as it comes out of the unit.
Choose paper delivery according to the task you are performing.
Select faceup or facedown delivery with the paper delivery selector.
When using faceup delivery, you must remove each sheet as it is delivered.
Failure to do this may cause jams in the faceup delivery slot and result in damage to
your unit.
You can also use faceup delivery when
copying or receiving a large number of pages.
In this case, place the FAX near the edge of a
table so that the pages can fall away from the
unit and avoid blocking the faceup delivery
slot. You may want to place a box below the
FAX so that the pages can collect in it.