Forwarding Received Fax Documents
Use [▼], [▲] or (Scroll Wheel) to select
the forwarding destination, then press
You cannot select multiple destinations at the
same time. To forward to multiple destinations,
select a group address.
You can use [◀] or [▶] to restrict the displayed
range of destinations.
To be able to select a forwarding destination, it
is necessary to register destinations in the
Address Book beforehand. (See “Storing/Editing
Address Book,” on p. 3-2.)
To cancel a selected destination, select the
destination again.
Press the right Any key to select <Set>.
Use [▼], [▲] or (Scroll Wheel) to select
the le format of the document you want
to forward.
<TIFF>: Forwards the le in the TIFF format.
<PDF>: Forwards the le in the PDF format.
This procedure is not necessary if a fax number
or an I-fax address is specied as the
destination in step 8. Go to step 13.
To view a TIFF le, a software application that
supports the TIFF format (such as Imaging for
Windows) is required.
To view a PDF le, Adobe Reader/Adobe
Acrobat Reader is required.
Press the right Any key to select <Divide