Adjusting Density
Use [▼], [▲] or (Scroll Wheel) to select
the background setting, then press [OK].
■ If you select <Background Removal>:
① Use [▼], [▲] or
(Scroll Wheel) to select
<Background Removal>, then press [OK].
② Press [OK], then skip to step 7.
■ If you select <Background Fine Adjust.>:
① Use [▼], [▲] or
(Scroll Wheel) to select
<Background Fine Adjust.>, then press [OK].
② Use [▼], [▲] or (Scroll Wheel) to select
the desired color, then press [OK].
③ Use [▼], [▲], [◀], [▶] or (Scroll Wheel)
to adjust the strength of the color, then
press [OK].
④ Press the right Any key to select <Set>, then
press [OK].
Use – (numeric keys) to enter the
desired copy quantity (1 to 99).