Configuring the Subscriber Table 4-5
Configuring the Subscriber Table
The Connection Priority Þeld allows you to conÞgure priorities for trafÞc within
the device: the higher the number assigned to the subscriber, the higher the
priority that subscriberÕs calls will receive relative to other intra-nodal trafÞc.
These priorities have no effect on trafÞc exiting the device.
Configuring Routing Table Entries
So that virtual connections can be established with and by each of the subscribers
deÞned in the Subscriber Table, you must associate each Subscriber ID with one
or more physical or logical ports on your FRX or SmartSwitch 1800 device so that
the call requests can be properly routed and the connection established. This is the
function of the Routing Table. Entries which appear in this table are associated
with the Subscriber ID currently selected in the Subscriber Table portion of the
window; each Subscriber ID must have at least one routing table entry, or it will
not function. If you conÞgure more than one routing path (youÕre allowed up to
eight), paths will be selected according to the algorithm speciÞed in the
Subscriber Table (see page 4-4 for more information on routing algorithms).
ConÞguring a Routing Table entry requires the following information:
Designates an index number assigned to the routing table entry; in some cases
(depending on the algorithm speciÞed for the selected subscriber table entry), this
index value will deÞne the order in which routing paths are selected when a call
request is received. You can designate up to eight alternate routes for each
subscriber entry; path values must be assigned sequentially.
Designates the index number assigned to the RLP card which contains the
physical or logical port you wish to assign to the selected Subscriber ID.
Designates the index number assigned to the physical or logical port you wish to
assign to the selected Subscriber ID. Indices 0-7 indicate physical ports; indices
8-63 indicate logical ports.
TrafÞc priorities can also be conÞgured for SNA ports with LLC2 connections, logical
ports, LLC2 hosts, LLC2 interfaces, IP interfaces, IPX interfaces, and PVC connections.
When conÞguring priorities, be sure to consider the types of trafÞc being routed on other
connections in the node.